These webpages are designed to signpost school based staff to Mental health support materials from a range of sources. It is hoped that through effective support and self care individuals can find coping mechanisms for the challenges that life throws our way. For those who find that further support is necessary this website also provides the necessary forms for self-referral to the dedicated Swansea Stress-Management counselling service.
Click the images below to navigate to these resources
Resources for schools
While it’s imperative that you look after your own mental health first (“put on your own oxygen mask before helping others”). We have also combined a list of support materials that may be beneficial for school leaders in supporting staff and young learners across our schools.

Further support
Ieuan Williams
Hello, it’s great to be the Stress Management Advisor & Counsellor supporting schools. I’m really looking forward to working with you all. I’m from Pembrey originally and after leaving school I worked in Bynea as an engineer before joining the British Army. Officially I was always an engineer, but after advanced medical training I went on secondments to assist the NHS, crewing emergency response vehicles and then further training and deployments all over the world.

My experiences highlighted the need to gain skills in mental health and with British Army approval I trained in advanced hypnotherapy, person centred and psychodynamic counselling and Thought Field Therapy. Then, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Restorative Justice, Eye Motion Desensitisation & Reprocessing and much more. Initially to support soldiers, their children and families, but anyone really and I often delivered training to help inform and educate everyone too.
More recently I’ve helped staff and their clients in a large charity and teachers in HM Young Offender Institutions to keep safe, be supported and get the help and support they needed. Helping them find realistic solutions to difficult problems, often in challenging situations. I am currently a clinical supervisor of counsellors and therapists with a speciality in, crisis, trauma and multiple disorders. I’m here to help, always happy to help and really look forward to working with you all.
Promoting well-being for all
We Are All Well-being Champions When We Can Be!
Anyone who welcomes new children and staff to a school will be kind and helpful, promote peace, happiness fairness and good health. Promote a sense of belonging, connection and inclusion to develop positive person to person relationships with everyone is already a well-being champion.
We may already have a passion for health and wellbeing, may already be promoting it, raising awareness of initiatives by sharing information to help everyone and do wonderful work as, “Good Practice”. Be well placed in our work area to recognize challenges or changes and offer help and support. Have already transformed what we can of our surrounding’s to have comfortable, safe, relaxing spaces for people to enjoy when they can.
We recognise, well-being in the workplace is not a, “Want to have or nice to have”. “It’s a must have now and always”. With stress, mental health, anxiety and depression causing the majority of sickness absence from work. Showing we care and want to help really does make a difference. Well-being is about the culture we create that makes people feel valued, trusted and supported. It has to be worked on by everyone for everyone so let’s make that difference together. I’m here to help.
Let’s chat soon and let me know about things you’re doing, considering or what I can help you with. So together we can focus on what needs to happen to help make it happen for the benefit of everyone’s health and wellbeing. I will also join you on as many of your meetings as I can to help and not hinder.
Email me at; [email protected]
Helping Hands
The Helping Hands Service is coordinated and delivered by a team of trained staff volunteers and is managed by the Stress Management Advice and Counselling team.
Helping Hands offer employees support, information and guidance by providing a confidential telephone support service, a range of wellbeing workshops and a drop-in service.
Contact Ieuan Williams for further information – [email protected]
Ray’s Walk & Talk
We also have a walk and talk group who meet monthly on the second Sunday of every month. This is also part of the Helping Hands Service. For more information about this, please contact Ray Mitchel on 07759913592 or [email protected]
Therapy Gardens
The Therapy Gardens at Singleton Park is a space for staff to chat while they enjoy the gardens and do some gardening if they wish to. This is part of the Helping Hands Service and can be booked by contacting Andi Plastiras: 07976784155.

Accessing counselling
It is now possible to complete a self referral to access 6 sessions of counselling support from the dedicated stress-management and counselling service. In order to access this service please complete the referral form below and return to:
Stress Management Advice and Counselling Service, Room 151, The Guildhall, Swansea, SA1 4PE; or e-mail [email protected]
The team endeavour to make contact within 72hrs of receiving your form, while counselling sessions generally begin 4-6 weeks following a referral.