Educational Psychology Service: Education websites & tablet apps for parents

Accessories to consider:

Name Price Description
Bluetooth keyboard varies Makes it easier to type on an iPad e.g. in word processing


Case with a built-in


Stands varies To enable tablet computers to be positioned in the field of

view for young people with physical disabilities.

Bluetooth switches varies Enables pupils with physical disabilities to select different

menu options

A stylus varies For handwriting practice for children consider a really chunky one or put a triangular pencil grip on a standard


Online lessons and learning materials:

Name Publisher Price Description
iBooks Apple Some free, some

paid for

Books – limited


iTunes U Apple Some free, some paid for You can either access free courses or deliver your own courses which includes videos, apps, documents and course assignments.

Secure data base which allows assignments to be submitted, marked and

returned, Udemy


Either on the web or on apps on tablet computers.

Some free, some paid for Good quality online courses, some of which you can receive formal qualifications for.

Not too expensive. NASEN Free Provides free online training and handouts for supporting children with special

educational needs. Open University Some free

content/ Paid

A range of OU

online courses YouTube Free Videos on almost every subject.

Parental supervision

required. BBC


Available on any device which can access the


Free Learning and revision materials for primary, secondary and post 16 pupils.
Khan Academy and Kham academy kids Khan academy


Available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon app stores

Free Different apps for different aged pupils on a range of different subjects. Uses American pronunciation and spellings.
Hwb Welsh Government Free All Swansea Schools are able to utilise Hwb to directly contact pupils and provide continuity in their learning BrainPOP Some free content, some content requires


Animated videos about a variety of subjects.

 Speech and Language:

Name Publisher Price Description
Splingo Receptive Language Assessment The speech and language store LLP


On iTunes

£24.99 by itself or

£26.99 in a bundle with two other speech and language therapy


Qualitative assessment of early language development including understanding of key nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverb, prepositions and ability to follow up to 4 keyword instructions using multiple choice options. Creates a report which can be emailed.
Splingo Categories The speech and language store LLP


On iTunes

£2.99 also available as part of


Develops understanding of verbal categories by sorting objects into 2 different categories.
Splingo Language Universe The speech and language store LLP


On iTunes & Amazon Fire

£2.99 also available as part of a bundle Practice following verbal instructions with one to four key words.
Pronouns with Splingo The speech and language store LLP


On iTunes & Amazon Fire

£2.99 also available as part of a bundle Practice using different pronouns
Actions with Splingo The speech and language store LLP


On iTunes

£2.99 also available as part of a


Practice identifying different verbs.
Early Words with Splingo The speech and language store LLP


On iTunes

£2.99 Learning early vocabulary
Baby Sign and Learn/sign and sing Baby Sign and Learn


On iTunes and Amazon Fire

Free with within app purchases Learning early British Sign Language vocabulary


Makaton with Lucinda @makatonlucinda


Twitter on any platform

Free Mother and daughter share one new Makaton sign each day.
Mr Tumble and Friends BBC


YouTube on any platform

Free Makaton signed children’s videos

 Fine Motor Skills/handwriting:

Name Publisher Price Description
Dexteria BinaryLabs, Inc


On iTunes and Google Play stores


(cheaper as part of a


Activities for developing hand position, pincer grip and basic print handwriting skills.
Dexteria Junior BinaryLabs, Inc £3.99 Early years/pupils with fine motor difficulties. Tracing skills and developing a pincer grip.

Motivating comedy selfies to

encourage participation

LetterReflex BinaryLabs Inc £3.99 For pupils who have difficulties with

letter reversals such as b/d/p/q.


Name Publisher Price Description
Cambugs Letter Sounds, phonics, first words Cambugs



Free Letter sounds, and words flash cards. Needs an adult to be present and supporting while the

child uses the app.

Borrowbox Bolinda digital


On Amazon Fire, iTunes and Google Play

Free Needs adult supervision. Free

children’s audio and eBooks when you sign in using your library card.

iBooks Apple Free Some free books but most need to

be purchased.

Reading doctor apps: Letter Sounds 1, Letter Sounds 2, Sight words and Word


Reading Doctor On iTunes £15.99

each/cheaper as part of a bundle

Multisensory, completely customisable and good for delivering literacy interventions for pupils with significant literacy



Kids’ Reading Comprehension 1& 2 Angela Reed


On iTunes

£1.99 each Reading comprehension practice
Inference Ace Janine Toole


On iTunes/Google Play

£2.89 Reading comprehension practice
Kindle app Amazon


Available on all tablet devices

Free app Amazon has released free

children’s books due to coronavirus. Many educational texts are also available on Kindle. Supervision needed when

purchases are made.

Audible Amazon


Available on many tablet devices

Free app Audiobooks. Amazon has released many free children’s books due to the coronavirus. Some have to be paid for. Supervision needed when

purchases are made.

Special Words Special iApps


Available on iTunes, Android, Amazon, Google

Play & web

£19.99 on iTunes, cheaper as part of a bundle Whole word/vocabulary learning by matching words to pictures.

Can be customised by deleting words and adding own words, pictures and voiceovers.


Name Publisher Price Description
Squeebles Spelling KeyStageFun


iTunes/Amazon Fire/Google Play

£3.99 Customisable look/cover/check and spelling test app
Spelling sounds Reading Doctor Pty Ltd


On iTunes


(cheaper as part of a


Completely customisable phonics based multisensory spelling app


Name Publisher Price Description
Pictello AssistiveWare On iTunes £9.99 User can create stories/presentations about an area of interest, incorporating photos, video, text, and voice overs
Special Stories SpecialiApps C.I.C


Available on iTunes and Amazon Fire


Can be purchased cheaper as part of a


Make your own books with audio voice overs. Can be used for social stories.
Pages/Google Docs Apple/Google Free Word processing apps


Apple/Google Free Excel type apps
Keynote/Google slides Apple/Google Free Free PowerPoint presentation type


Rainbow sentences Mobile Education Store


On iTunes

£7.99 Using colour coding and word sequencing to make sentences which match pictures
Dance Mat Typing BBC Bitesize


Any web browser

Free Typing tutor programme


Name Publisher Price Description
Squeebles times tables KeyStageFun


On iTunes/Amazon Fire/Google Play


cheaper as part of


Times table games for average ability students
Squeebles tell the time KeyStageFun


On iTunes/Amazon Fire/Google Play

£3.99 Customisable for individual students needs
Squeebles number bonds KeyStageFun


On iTunes/Amazon Fire/Google Play

£2.99 Number bonds practice to 10, 20,

50, 100, 1000 and decimals up to 1.


Squeebles Addition and Subtraction KeyStageFun

On iTunes/Amazon Fire/Google Play

£2.99 Customisable for individual students
Squeebles Division KeyStageFun

On iTunes/Amazon Fire/Google Play

£2.99 Division practice
Squeebles Fractions KeyStageFun


On iTunes/Amazon Fire/Google Play

£1.99 Fractions practice
Special Numbers Special iApps


On iTunes/Amazon Fire

£19.99 Completely customisable. Number/quantity recognition and ordering to 20. Good for early years/dyscalculia/high level of

learning difficulty.

Dexteria Dots 1 & 2 BinaryLabs Inc


On iTunes

£2.99 each Good for the development of basic number concepts


Name Publisher Price Description
Garageband Apple free Make music tracks by playing

different instruments

iMovie Apple free Edit video clips together to make films

 Non-verbal reasoning:

Name Publisher Price Description
Dexteria VMI Binary labs £3.99 Matching skills/non-verbal reasoning


Name Publisher Price Description
Bitgym Active Theory Inc iTunes and android Free for 3 months, then subscription


When placed in front of an exercise bike, rowing machine, cross trainer or treadmill provides virtual tours from all over the world.
PE with Joe Wicks YouTube on the Body Coach TV channel


On any internet connected device

free Free indoor PE lessons streamed at 9 am every day and available as videos later.
Oti Mabuse dance classes YouTube on the Oti Mabuse Official channel


On any internet connected device

free Free dance classes for children live streamed at 11.30 every day and available as videos later.


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