Migldi Magldi

Migldi Magldi is a song that mimics a blacksmith at work in their smithy on a cold winter’s day.

Migldi Magldi is probably best known these days thanks to Cerys Matthews, though the song has history dating back much farther.

The rhythm and rhyme of Migldi Magldi help to teach harmony, and can also be called a “call and response” melody; harmony is vital for both instrumentalists working together and singers as part of a choir.

Migldi Magldi Lyrics


Fine and pleasant is seeing
miguldee maguldee hey no no
The door of the Smithy open
miguldee maguldee hey no no
The blacksmith’s face blackened
miguldee maguldee hey no no
In the smithy busy blowing
miguldee maguldee hey no no

Fine and lovely is the sounds of the bellows
miguldee maguldee hey no no
Listening to tale, song and verse
miguldee maguldee hey no no
When the company is in full swing
miguldee maguldee hey no no
There are stories many evenings
miguldee maguldee hey no no

When the sea comes to the mountain
miguldee maguldee hey no no
With it’s two sides together
miguldee maguldee hey no no
And the rose bushes growing apples
miguldee maguldee hey no no
This is when you may have me
miguldee maguldee hey no no


Ffeind a difyr ydyw gweled
migldi magldi hei no no
Drws yr efail yn agored
migldi magldi hei no no
A’r go bach a’i wyneb purddu
migldi magldi hei no no
Yn yr efail yn prysur chwythu
migldi magldi hei no no

Ffeind a braf yw swn y fegin
migldi magldi hei no no
Gwrando chwedl, cân ac englyn
migldi magldi hei no no
Pan fo’r cwmni yn ei afiaith
migldi magldi hei no no
Ceir hanesion llawer noswaith
migldi magldi hei no no

Pan ddaw’r mor i ben y mynydd
migldi magldi hei no no
A’i ddwy ymyl at ei gilydd
migldi magldi hei no no
A’r coed rhosys yn dwyn ‘falau
migldi magldi hei no no
Dyna’r pryd y cei di finnau
migldi magldi hei no no


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