Please note: We cannot control or accept responsibility for the content of external third-party websites and services.

The Guardian Book ReviewsReviews contemporary and older literary releases, author biographies and offers discussion boards.
Oxford University Podcast for EnglishOver 300 podcasts recorded from 2007 to present day.
The New YorkerCommentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons and poetry.
London Review of BooksBook reviews, blogs, videos and podcasts.
Early English Books OnlineImages of many works printed in the British Isles and North America from 1470 – 1700.
Goldsmith’s Young Writers Competition 16-18Writing competitions for young people aged 16-18 aiming to uncover the next generation of writing talent.
Hwb Network – English Language and LiteratureBooklets produced by regional consortiums giving an overview of AS English Language and Literature.

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