Hwb – Hwb have produced guidance for schools and pupils, highlighting what tools are available through the Hwb platform. This includes guides for both Office365 and G-Suite.
Office365– Office365 has many tools that can be used for distance learning. Office365 can be accessed by any device that has internet access including mobile and gaming devices A few of the more useful tools are:
Microsoft OneDrive – Microsoft OneDrive allows the user to accessfiles from anywhere there is an internet connection.
Microsoft Outlook – Microsoft Outlook is an email client that all hwb users have access too. It is encouraged that pupils are able to access their emails and use it as a communication tool.
Microsoft Teams – Microsoft teams delivers a platform for collaboration and communication. Classes can be set up easily using the pupils Hwb credentials. Within the team/class, group conversations can be had, resources can be shared, assignments set and one to one or group calls can be made.
- An example of its use can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN5ypuZF1bI
Microsoft Forms – Microsoft forms is an application that enables questionnaires and quizzes. This can be used to test knowledge of pupils. If multiple-choice questions are used, the application will be able to “Mark” the quiz and provide a result of the test. Links to the forms can be sent to the pupils.
- A video of how to create a quiz can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IsGxoezzZA
Google G-Suite – G-Suite is a set of tools similar to Office365. Some of the main tools for distance learning are:
Google Classroom – Google classroom is a tool similar to Microsoft Teams that allows communication and collaboration.Classes can be set up easilyvia Hwb. Within the team/class, group conversations can be had, resources can be shared and assignments set. A video of how to set up a classroom can be seen here: https://youtu.be/GIN-EtPa0lw
Google Meet – Google Meet is a Video Call tool similar to skype. Can be used for multiple users.
Google Forms – Google forms can be used in a similar way to Microsoft Forms
Just2Easy – Just2Easy is a collection of tools again similar to Office365, designed specifically for schools. Most pupils in Swansea will familiar with the tool set that allows pupils to access classwork at home. Some tools that maybe useful are:
J2Blast – A Bilingual online Spelling and Times tables Tests. These can be played by the pupils on their own or in a competition setting. Personalised Wordlists can be added for the spelling tests.
J2Code – A setting ofcomputational thinking tools that pupils can access on their own, with online lesson plans to guide.
FlipGrid – Flipgrid is a Hwb based application that allows a simple way to have short video-based discussions on classroom topics. This is a quick guide https://static.flipgrid.com/docs/Flipgrid-Remote-Learning.pdf