CALM Kids – Acknowledgements

CALM Kids / Plant PGCM - Acknowledgements/Cydnabyddiaeth

CALM Kids Image
Plant Pgcm


·        Anthony Evans for illustrations

·        Bernita de Wet (Educational Psychologist)

·        Carole Lewis (Specialist Teacher for Speech and Language/Autism)

·        DesignPrint for design of booklet

·        Dr. Gill Salmon (Child Psychiatrist + Chair of the interagency ADHD Working Group)

·        Lesley Williams (Advisory Teacher for Behaviour)

·        Marilyn George (Specialist Behaviour Teacher)

·        Nigel Mason (Specialist Nurse ADHD/ASD)

·        Stuart Forbes (Senior Educational Psychologist)

·        Staff, children and parents in schools across the City and County of Swansea